Phase two of the merger is progressing

Updated 25 July 2024

On 3 November 2023, Group Super completed phase one of the transfer of Retirement Access, Accumulate Plus and Defined Benefit (other than lifetime pension) entitlements to Australian Retirement Trust. 

Phase two involves the transfer of Defined Benefit lifetime pension member entitlements. The majority will be transferred to Australian Retirement Trust on the anticipated transfer date of 26 October 2024. Information will be sent to members closer to the anticipated transfer date.

A small and limited number of Division B lifetime pension members have been given the opportunity to transfer their pension entitlements to Commonwealth Bank of Australia (UK) Staff Benefits Scheme (CBA UK Scheme) on the anticipated transfer date.


Other important transfer forms and documents

  • Commonwealth Bank of Australia guarantee in respect of benefit payments that are payable from the CBA UK Scheme (coming soon)


In the meantime, the following Q&As will provide more details about the intended transfers

Updated 22 July 2024

  • Questions about the transfer of defined benefit pension entitlements
    • What does the merger mean for defined benefit lifetime pension members?

      The trustee's decision to pursue a merger was made after a thorough and careful review to ensure that a merger would be in the best interests of all members, which includes Accumulate Plus, Retirement Access and Defined Benefit members including those receiving a lifetime pension.

      Both the trustee and CBA are committed to establishing equivalent defined benefit pension entitlement arrangements as part of the proposed transfers.

      Will the future security of my pension entitlements remain the same after they transferred?

      CBA’s obligations to members and their beneficiaries have not changed because of the proposed merger to Australian Retirement Trust or on transfer to the CBA UK Scheme.

      The CBA continues to be responsible for funding the pension entitlements of transferred from Group Super to Australian Retirement Trust as well as the CBA UK Scheme.

      For those defined benefit members of Division B who transfer to the CBA UK Scheme, the trustee of the CBA UK Scheme intends to secure any transferred pension entitlements under the same bulk purchase annuity agreement it has entered into for other CBA UK Scheme members with L&G or, if that is not possible, with another UK regulated insurance company, following which entitlements would benefit from the protection of the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

      Does CBA support the transfer of Defined Benefit pensions?

      Yes, CBA supports the Group Super trustee’s decision to pursue a merger with Australian Retirement Trust as well as the CBA UK Scheme for a limited number of Division B lifetime pension members.

      The trustee worked closely with CBA to understand the future strategy of the fund and remains closely engaged with CBA. Similarly to the trustee, CBA as sponsor of Group Super, considered the evolution of superannuation, the increased expectations and need for scale. CBA and the trustee both concluded, given the increasing need for scale over time and the long-term fee challenges required to ensure the fund remains competitive, that alternatives to continuing a corporate superannuation fund be considered.

      Will the Commonwealth Guarantee continue to apply to the relevant divisions?

      The Commonwealth Banks Act 1959 was amended by the of Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Measures No.2) Act 202. This means defined benefit members of Divisions B, C, D and E who were members of the fund immediately prior to 19 July 1996, will continue to be eligible for the Commonwealth Guarantee following the successor fund transfer to Australian Retirement Trust.

      Unless you were an employee of CBA or a pensioner of thefund prior to 19 July 1996, you would not be covered by the Commonwealth Guarantee. For instance, members of the CGSSS were transferred into the fund on 3 October 2003. They were not members of the fund on 19 July 1996, therefore are not covered by the guarantee.

      Those defined benefit members of Division B who transfer to the CBA UK Scheme will NOT be eligible for the Commonwealth Guarantee. The CBA will provide a guarantee to eligible Division B members who transfer to CBA UK Scheme so that there is no adverse loss of rights or entitlements. Please read the Significant event notice for Division B UK members.

      What happens in the event of my death?

      The rules in either Commonwealth Bank of Australia (UK) Staff Benefits Scheme or Australian Retirement Trust are the same as those that operated in Group Super.

      Will I receive part of the Defined Benefit unallocated surplus?

      No, Defined Benefit members are not eligible to receive this and individual allocation of the Defined Benefit surplus. The purpose of the Defined Benefit unallocated surplus is to ensure that Defined Benefit’s ratio of assets to vested benefits can withstand market volatility, a well as to ensure that there is adequate long-term funding for Defined Benefit members’ retirement benefits and lifetime pensions. The Defined Benefit unallocated surplus will be transferred to the CBA Group Super Plan with Australian Retirement Trust and continue to be maintained by Australian Retirement Trust for this purpose.

      Do I have to transfer to Australian Retirement Trust or Commonwealth Bank of Australia (UK) Staff Benefits Scheme? Can I stay, I don’t want to leave?

      As the transfer to Australian Retirement Trust, and for a small number of Division B UK members the transfer to CBA UK Scheme, meets the requirements of a transfer, the Group Super Fund rules then also allows the transfer of defined benefit pension entitlements to occur.

      Will my pension benefits remain the same or change with the transfer to either the CBA UK Scheme or Australian Retirement Trust?

      The trustee of Group Super is committed to ensuring that the other scheme provides pension entitlements, when the transfer takes effect, that are equivalent to the pension entitlements members have under Group Super before the transfer takes effect.

      After the transfer, you would no longer be a member of Commonwealth Bank Group Super. However, your Defined Benefit pension design and how it’s indexed would remain unchanged.

      Your regular pension payments would continue to be paid to your nominated bank account. Future payments would no longer be paid by Group Super.

      We anticipate that your pension payment dates during the transfer would change because of the limited services period. Your normal payment cycle would resume after the limited services period ends.

  • Questions for members tranferring to Commonwealth Bank of Australia (UK) Staff Benefits Scheme (CBA UK Scheme)
    • Who is Commonwealth Bank of Australia (UK) Staff Benefits Scheme?

      Prior to 1990 Group Super Division B was used for those employees (or spouses and/or children of former employees) employed by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia London office and received a fixed salary in English pounds.

      When the UK government introduced new laws in 1990, Group Super Division B was closed to new employees of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia London office. Existing members and their beneficia remained in Group Super Division B. Around this time Commonwealth Bank of Australia (UK) Staff Benefits Scheme was opened for new employees of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia London office.

      What if I change my mind about transferring to the CBA UK Scheme, how do I let you know?

      To withdraw your application to commute your pension entitlements and transfer them to the CBA UK Scheme, we must receive a signed written withdrawal request from you by 3:00pm (AEST) / 6:00am (BST) 26 September 2024.

  • Questions for members transferring to Australian Retirement Trust
    • Who is Australian Retirement Trust?

      Australian Retirement Trust is the superannuation fund formed through the merger of Sunsuper and QSuper in February 2022. As one of Australia’s largest super funds it takes care of close to $300 billion in retirement savings for more than 2.3 million members. The fund has an extensive history of managing complex defined benefit plans. You can find out more about Australian Retirement Trust by visiting

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This information is provided for members of Group Super only and is provided for general information purposes only. The information is not financial advice, nor is it a recommendation or statement of opinion intended to influence you in making a decision in relation to your super. The information has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Because of that, before acting on the information, you should consider its appropriateness having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. You should also obtain and consider the relevant product disclosure statement or member booklet before making any decision about whether to acquire or continue to hold an interest in the relevant product.

Commonwealth Bank Officers Superannuation Corporation Pty Limited (ABN 76 074 519 798, AFSL 246418) is the trustee and issuer of Commonwealth Bank Group Super (ABN 24 248 426 878).  Australian Retirement Trust Pty Ltd (ABN 88 010 720 840, AFSL 228975) is the trustee and issuer of Australian Retirement Trust (ABN 60 905 115 063). Capital Cranfield Pension Trustees Limited CRN 05125293 is the trustee and issuer of Commonwealth Bank of Australia (UK) Staff Benefits Scheme.

Commonwealth Bank Officers Superannuation Corporation Pty Limited, Australian Retirement Trust Pty Ltd and Capital Cranfield Pension Trustees Limited are not authorised deposit-taking institution and their obligations do not represent deposits or other liabilities of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124, AFSL 234945) or any other member of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia group of companies (“Group”). No member of the Group stands behind Commonwealth Bank Officers Superannuation Corporation Pty Limited or Australian Retirement Trust Pty Ltd or Capital Cranfield Pension Trustees Limited.